Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a hands on, non-invasive approach to healthcare. Chiropractors are specialists of the muscles, joints and bones of our body. We primarily practice Diversified Technique, or manual manipulation here at Mobility LAB.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)
IASTM is a soft tissue therapy that utilizes a medical grade stainless steel tool to work across the surface of our skin. The process causes localized inflammation which aides in decreasing pain and increasing range of motion.
Functional Range Release (Soft tissue work)
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RockTape is the world's most renowned kinesiology tape. It can be used to treat both sports and non-sports injuries, including shin splints, plantar fasciitis, runner’s knee, and back pain. It is also used frequently with movement, postural cueing, and helps to
Rehab / Movement
We prescribe specific exercises to pinpoint what we believe is the weak link in your body’s kinetic chain. Through these functional rehabilitation programs we encourage our patients to take their health into their own hands. We challenge our patients to move better, feel better, and live a lifestyle free of limitations.
FRC® is a system of joint health and mobility training based on scientific principals and research. This focuses on improving a person's mobility development, joint strength, and body control. This approach is used by professional and collegiate sports teams around the world, such as the Houston Rockets, Chicago Cubs, New York Rangers, Nike HQ and more!